
Searching for Meaning

A soft piano melody plays above lightly atmospheric synth pads, as though searching for meaning in an action or motivation.


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Long-Term Neglect

A sustained and very minimal drone carries with it a feeling of light tension and sadness. We are being invited to witness the aftereffects of a significant event.


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When the Dust Settles

A light synth pad plays a soothing melody. This is eventually accompanied by light string harmonics and atmospheric pad synths, creating a sense of catharsis.


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Like light refracting through a prism, delayed celesta and sparkling bells dance and interweave to create an illusion.


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Beneath The Surface

A delicate celesta pattern ripples outwards in a kaleidoscopic fashion, gradually building in complexity and curiosity.


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Reflecting & assessing the situation with soft waves of synth pads & electric guitar phrases


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Reflecting & assessing the situation with soft waves of synth pads & electric guitar phrases


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