Indie Acoustic

Soft Americana, with slide guitar and romantic, quiet and warm atmosphere.


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Beguiling and enveloping guitars give sense of being wrapped in dark cotton wool.


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Golden Years

Warm, nostalgic but contented. Very pretty and gentle acoustic guitars with simple melody.


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Quiet and captivating, soft guitar arpeggios descend, ebow melody @ 58secs.


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Flying Carpet

Mysterious and magical, rippling guitars underscore simple, caring ronroco melodies. A warm bed of clouds to float off into dreamworld.


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Beautiful Dream

Sensitive acoustic guitars play us through a beautifully tender poignant and conversational piece.


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Black Orchid

Sparse, beautiful, rich and autumnal melody, with a change of gear @51secs, when questioning layered guitars change rhythm and switch from minor to major keys.


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Neon Reflections

Lovely cyclical guitars and ronroco. Warm and dreamy with a misty slide guitar @ 1:10.


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Water Garden

Rippling classical guitar counterpoints folk guitar and electric harmonics. A song with a ronroco melody without words.


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River Guitars

Atmospheric, flowing bed of guitar arpeggios with lead 12 string melody @56secs. A hint of Africa.


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Tread Softly

Mysterious but warm cyclical harmonics, 12 String arpeggios and a mysterious and minimal ronroco melody.


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Moon On Water

Ghostly and misty, soft steel guitars in lovely melancholic arpeggiated harmonies, and soft wispy classical guitar tremolo lead.


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